Sun Post May 17, 2023 Ongoing Brooklyn Park discussion on Highway 252 still rife with concern:
Sun Post (updated) May 15, 2023 Highway 252 Task Force lambasts MnDOT in Brooklyn Park meeting:
Sun Post May 2, 2023 Brooklyn Center City Council’s skepticism for MnDOT’s recommended alternatives:
MnDOT Ignores Data, Community Concern with Highway 252/I-94 Project Proposals
by Alex Burns from Our Streets Minneapolis
on April 17, 2023
MnDOT presentation 4/11/23 to Brooklyn Center City Council, Mayor Graves and City Council members questions and comments start at time stamp 30:00:

MnDOT, task force clash on how to make Highway 252 safer , KARE11 interview April 2023
Conversations with Al radio interview/facebook live, April 2023:
MnDOT recommending 4- to 6-lane freeway conversion for Hwy 252 in scoping document Brooklyn Center task force voices concerns, Sun Post, April 3, 2023
March 27, 2023 Brooklyn Center Presentation

Click the link to watch the Task Force’s March 28, 2022 presentation to the Brooklyn City Council: Live and Recorded Public meetings of Brooklyn Center City Council and Economic Development Authority, time stamp 24:40 until 59:40. Brooklyn Center City Council and Economic Development Authority
On July 21, 2021, the Task Force was interviewed by Xeng Xiong on Hmong Radio Broadcast.
Click the image below to listen.

Al McFarlane interviews the Task Force on KFAI (08/17/2020).

Watch the Task Force’s December 14, 2020 presentation to the Brooklyn Center City Council.
Click here!
The Task Force conducted a survey in September of 2020 regarding Highway 252 planning and safety. Click up above to see the results. Note: The first question was asking for the participants name and address and is not included in the report. Important Note: clarification of terms, at the time of the survey the 252 safety task force described an expressway as a road with no traffic lights or stops along its length, it has controlled access with fewer exit and entry points. Later we learned that MnDot’s terminology is different that we had thought. Although the terms were incorrect, based on the survey most people would prefer improving Highway 252 with solutions such as flashing signs warning of red lights, pedestrian overpasses, enforcement of speed limits, dividers to protect left hand turners at 66th and 73rd.